Thousand Islands area high school graduates are eligible for assistance for educational opportunities beyond high school. Preference will be given to students who reside in the Thousand Islands Central School District and who are graduating or have graduated from Thousand Islands High School. A student must have attended a Thousand Islands area high school for at least one year. A non-traditional student (defined as a student who has graduated previously from a Thousand Islands area high school and who now wishes to pursue a form of higher education) is also eligible. He/she must be accepted at an institution of higher education at the time of application. Most scholarships will be for one year only.
Most importantly, it is the Foundation’s policy that applicants make a clear demonstration of financial need, after consideration of all other resources available to them, including parents’ financial resources and other scholarships and grants that may be available to such applicant. The applicant must further show academic ability and dedication, as educational assistance grants will only be made available to those persons dedicated to pursuing their further education and likely to be successful at such pursuit.
Application Procedures
Secure an application from the School Counselor Office of Thousand Islands, Alexandria Bay, LaFargeville, or Lyme high school or by writing directly to the Foundation at the address at the bottom of this page.
- Complete the application and return it to the address at the top of this page. In order to complete the application, you will need to provide confidential copies of your parents’ and your Federal and State Tax Returns for the previous year.
- Provide your educational costs and your means to cover these costs for the coming year.
- Provide a copy of your letter or documents of acceptance from the indicated institution of higher education.
- Provide transcripts of your high school and any applicable college grades.
- A personal interview will be required of non-traditional students.
Amount of Grants & Awarding
A determination of the amount of any grant shall be made by the Foundation based on available Foundation funds and the merits of individual cases. Recipients will be notified sometime in June.
Deadlines For Applications:
Can apply all year